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Top 5 Tips to Optimise your SEO

Updated: Jul 4, 2023

SEO or Search Engine Optimisation is a vital piece of any businesses digital presence. It is the piece of the website puzzle that helps search engines find information on your business/site and rank you against similar websites.

Most people when they are looking for a business or service will do a general google search.

"Hey Siri, find me a local accountant" - the results that you will get are ranked based off SEO results for each of the sites.

Without the aid of a web developer or SEO specialist - here are 5 top tips to optimising your SEO.

  1. Keywords Keywords are words or phrases that a potential customer may use to search for your business, services or products. Words such as "local bakery" or "Find me the closest local bakery" are examples of keywords. Making sure there is keywords in your page titles and descriptions is one way to help bolster your SEO. Make sure the keywords are relevant to your business, services, products or location. Also worth noting is to be careful to not overuse keywords. This can have a negative impact on your overall SEO results. The keywords need to read naturally.

  2. Keep your websites content FRESH! Keeping your websites content updated on a regular basis is vital for your SEO. Whether you're adding new products or services, new pictures of products, customer success stories, testimonials or general business news - anything new will encourage search engines to visit your website more regularly. The more often they visit, the quicker they are able to discover the new content on your site. This might also benefit your overall ranking.

  3. Meta-Tags Meta-tags are pieces of content/data that exist in your websites coding but are not displayed on your web page. These pieces of data tell search engines extra information on about your website and the content on the pages are about. Meta-Tags include things such as meta description (the description of each page and what it contains), the page title, and alt (alternative) text on images within your website. Search engines also use your meta description in the search results they display.

  4. Website Image Sizing The size of the images on your website can have a significant affect on the overall SEO results and general functionality of your website. Professional photos (when used) are often given in a high and low (web) resolution. Images over 1MB in size are often too large for web. The correct sizing is dependant on the use of the images - here is a great article on determining image sizes for web. Statistics show that if a website takes between 1s to 10s to load the potential bounce rate increases 120%.

  5. Optimise for Mobile Viewing We live in the generation of laziness and 2 thirds of internet users are viewing via their mobile device or tablet. This means that ensuring your website is optimised for mobile viewing is of huge importance. Websites as they are built will automatically show a certain way for mobile view, but unless you are checking and adjusting as neccessary, the automatic view is over overlayed, cluttered and messy. Ensuring your mobile is optimised for premium viewing will stop bounces from your website and help your SEO ranking.

If you'd like some more in-depth help with your websites SEO, or would like a comprehensive SEO report run on your website that will highlight any potential issues, contact us today for a quote.

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